Annotation by Jari Vaario
Date: Mon, 25 Jul 94 18:57:02 JST
Message-Id: <9407250957.AA18831@piaget>
From: Jari Vaario
To: Vgrass
Subject: Comments on your paper
Status: RO
I had nice time with reading your paper. It stimulated my thinking so much
that I am able only give some general comments, instead of going any detail
1) Your paper draws a connection between Gutenberg (books) and Turing
(computers). However, I would have started it a little bit more far
away. Namely:
- Writing system to abstract natural objects, and then extended to
abstract concepts.
- This leads to information genetics, ie., how writing can be viewed as
genetic material to preserve the information from the generations to
the others.
- Then how this will be divided into two paths: influencing other
persons and recording of facts
o Influencing other persons existed before writing systems in various
ways, that in some cases maybe viewed as primitive broadcast
systems (cf. public speeches, public announcements, etc.), but with
writing systems the invention of newspaper by Rochield (spelling?)
should be mentioned in your paper. This was enhanced with other
broadcast mediums that you viewed. (BTW. You could have give some
kind historical perspective for example evolution of letters from
the early Chinese military instructions (about 4.000 bbc) to
invention of stamps, and ending to e-mail with disappearance of
stamps!) On the other hand, thus far it has always been impossible
for a private person to broadcast anything. Broadcasting has been
the monopoly of organizations. The latest technology provides a
single user to broadcast his ideas and opinions freely without any
censorship. In fact this new technology (including mobile
telephones, portable fax machines, satellite communication channels
etc.) enabled the collapse of Soviet Empire.
o Recording facts led into developing of information storages, most
visible in the format of encyclopedias, dictionaries. The most
surprising result of computer science development was that it is
mostly used for information storage and retrieval, rather than
computation where from it took its name and the basic principles!
In this context you should compare libraries with the global
information storage and retrieval system of W3, etc. (You have
forgot Interpedia project from your review of latest development
(see comp.infosystems.interpedia)). Also there has been some
proposals of creating a free Network University, that could allow
developing countries for the same education than in the developed
countries are now enjoying.
As you shortly referred to Patie Maes work of intelligent agents,
that I think is not so revolutionary as it has been given to
understand, the development leads into a network with some virtual
persons interacting with the real persons (maybe you could refer
"Max" movie, run a few years ago also in Japanese TV (NHK?), where
the Max was a virtual news cast traveling in the computer network
seeking news).
- An important point in the development of individual influence
possibilities is not only the Internet, but the freeware software,
that allows every one to access freely software, that allows them to
share the information sources.
- Maybe you could also give a little bit gloomy picture where this all
could lead us, or if you prefer a rose picture of better future.
Some more detail comments:
- You used "wetware" like a meaning of "webware". The first one is often
used to refer people who are doing research with chemical matters
(ie. chemistry). I think "webware" is much closer of your meaning?
- Tower of Saigon I have not heard, but Tower of Hanoi is very
frequently used example in CS.
- In your Math Interface you seem to have forgot Mathematics, and all
that kind mathematical interfaces.
- Gutenberg Interfaces needs absolutely Interpedia to be mentioned!
- You should also refer Mosaic by name as the facto W3 interface.
- a collection of all FAQs published in the network can be found in
- There are a lot of collected bibliograph entries available through
f.ex. Mosaic interface search. have a look f.ex.
Well, I would like to continue with commenting the article, but now I have
to go. I think you have a nice article coming. It had some boring
discussion of some obvious stuff, that should be colored with similar
comparisons as your main idea, or then just left out. In general, I liked
the paper.
Good Luck,
:-) jari
PS. I had no time to read what I wrote without to mention to check
spelling. I hope it is however comprehensible.